Very High Density Cable Interconnect, VHDCI is a small 68-pin (0.8mm) connector used for UltraSCSI and other peripheral devices such as scanners or external storage devices. VHDCI allows for the placement of four SCSI connectors on the back of a single PC Card slot. VHDCI is also found on SCSI 5 host cards to connect peripherals to a SCSI 5 host controller or to each other. Applications: • Scanner • External Storage Devices • Industrial PC controller boards
TCI Cable is specialized in SCSI data cables for any Sub-System : SCSI-1,SCSI-2,SCSI-3,FAST-20,FAST-40,RAID,ULTRA-SCSI,ETC.
TCI Cable is the most well known for superior quality in SCSI HPDB 100 (MD100) SCSI HPC 100 to support Industrial PC controller boards. |